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Chomskys Views On Manufactured Consent

Noam Chomsky: Manufactured Consent and the Gaza Crisis

Chomsky's Views on Manufactured Consent

Noam Chomsky, the renowned linguist, philosopher, and public intellectual, has coined the term "manufactured consent" to describe a system of propaganda supported by authorities. This system aims to manipulate public opinion by disseminating information and shaping narratives in a way that serves the interests of the powerful.

Manufactured Consent in the Gaza Crisis

Chomsky has applied the concept of manufactured consent to the recent Gaza crisis. He argues that the mainstream media has portrayed Israel's actions as justified, while largely ignoring the suffering of Palestinians. This narrative, he contends, has been crafted by the Israeli government and its allies to deflect criticism and maintain public support for their policies.

Chomsky's Call for Action

Chomsky has condemned Israel's actions in Gaza as "a hideous atrocity" and "totally without any credible pretext." He has called for an independent investigation into the violence and for an end to the siege of Gaza. He has also urged the international community to take action to protect Palestinian civilians.
